The Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate
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We love dark chocolate for creating delectable pastries, baked goods, and confections, but did you know eating chocolate can actually be good for you?
4 Dark Chocolate Health Benefits Every Baker Should Know
It might sound too good to be true, but dark chocolate is not only delicious…it also has science-backed health benefits. When eaten in moderation, dark chocolate – like the high-quality chocolates from Valrhona, Cocoa Barry, Callebaut, Cacao Noel, Republica del Cacao, and Irca found at The Pastry Depot - can be your favorite guilt-free sweet treat!
Dark chocolate is an excellent source of antioxidants and also contains fiber and minerals. But that’s not all! Since most dark chocolates, like the Callebaut 811, are naturally dairy-free, vegan, and gluten-free, dark chocolate is an excellent, healthier choice.
Of course, this is great news for professional and home bakers! Though bonbons and pastries aren’t exactly a substitute for modern medicine, there’s strong scientific evidence that dark chocolate is good for the body.
Dark Chocolate Health Benefits
You may have heard of dark chocolate’s positive impact on heart health, but the benefits don’t stop there. This form of chocolate has a much higher percentage of cocoa solids, which contain the majority of its health benefits. Other forms of chocolate, such as milk chocolate or white chocolate, have a lower ratio of cocoa solids to sugar, making them less nutrient-dense.
So, what makes dark chocolate better for you? The most prominent benefit is that dark chocolate is a great source of the antioxidants known as flavanols. In fact, dark chocolate contains 2-3 times more of these flavanols than milk chocolate.
The Health Benefits of Flavanols
1. Flavanols support your heart by relaxing your blood vessels and improving your blood flow. Studies suggest that they even have the power to reduce heart disease risk by up to 11%. This increased blood flow also positively impacts cognitive function.
2. Antioxidants like flavanols can protect against sun damage, as well as increase skin density and hydration. However, eating dark chocolate isn’t a substitute for protecting your skin. As Healthline recommends, remember to always wear sunscreen!
3. Flavanols like those found in dark chocolate can also prevent cell damage related to age. (The Cleveland Clinic).
4. Lastly, these antioxidants have been shown to possibly increase insulin sensitivity, which can decrease the risk of diabetes. However, more studies are needed on this connection.
How is Dark Chocolate Made?
Though the ingredients in dark and milk chocolate are mostly similar, there are a few important differences. Milk chocolate, as its name implies, contains varying amounts of milk products. Dark chocolate, on the other hand, tends to be dairy-free and vegan.
Traditional milk and dark chocolate both contain cocoa solids, cocoa butter, and sugar. Milk chocolate’s cocoa solid percentage is usually between 10-50%, while dark chocolate contains 50-90% cocoa solids. White chocolate contains no cocoa solids, making cocoa butter the “chocolate” component.
Other Dark Chocolate Health Benefits
According to the FDA, a 100-gram bar of 70-85% dark chocolate contains:
• 11 grams of fiber
• 66% of the iron DV
• 57% of the magnesium DV
• 196% of the copper DV
• 85% of the manganese DV
With this added nutritional content, you can see why the healthiest choice is dark chocolate when you’re craving a sweet treat!
If you look at dark chocolate’s nutrition facts, you may notice it also contains a significant amount of your daily recommended intake of fiber and certain minerals. This is due to the higher content of cacao in dark chocolate. Fiber, in particular, is important for lowering cholesterol, improving hydration, fight inflammation, and can even reduce the risk of some cancers. The fiber found in dark chocolate is also good for regulating digestion, lowering blood sugar, and achieving a healthy weight. Yes, dark chocolate can be good for weight loss! While you may worry about the carbs in dark chocolate, its net carbohydrates are only around 10 grams per ounce.
Dark chocolate also contains valuable vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay strong:
• Iron is necessary for growth, development, and the carrying of oxygen throughout the body.
• Magnesium prevents serious health issues like heart attacks and osteoporosis. It also promotes healthy bones, muscles, nerves, and blood sugar.
• Copper makes red blood cells and collagen. This mineral also protects the nervous and immune systems.
• Manganese supports brain and nerve function as well as helping to form bones, connective tissue, blood clotting factors, and hormones.
The Healthiest Dark Chocolate
It’s incredible that something so delicious can also be so good for us. If you love dark chocolate even more than you did before, we don’t blame you! It’s one of our favorite ingredients for many reasons, including its contributions to a healthy diet.
With health in mind, you may be tempted to go for the darkest possible chocolate. 100% dark chocolate is the healthiest option because it has no added sugar, but don’t expect it to be sweet! Chocolate with such a high cacao percentage is not typically palatable on its own and is better used as an ingredient in other products. The general consensus is that at least 70% dark chocolate, like the Valrhona Guanaja or Cacao Barry Ocoa, is good for the health. So, you can still reap the benefits without sacrificing taste.
The dark chocolates found at The Pastry Depot are made from the highest quality cocoa beans for the purest (and healthiest) results. We have a wide variety of dark chocolate, including no sugar added or naturally sweetened chocolates if you’re looking to take your healthy treats to the next level. Not sure which dark chocolate is the best for you? Just reach out to us online or visit our retail store in Atlanta, Georgia.
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